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Monthly WAXP Information

The WAX Wolves will have 1 farm for the WAX Wolves 1 of 1 NFTs and 1 farm for the WAX Werewolves 1 of 1 NFTs.

The schema for the WAX Wolves will be ready on August 1st and last for 1 year (

The second farm will be created at the end of the cycle and last for 8 months. Both farms will end on or around the same day. No matter how many WAX Wolves are minted whether it be 1 or 11111, we will at least add 1111 WAXP to each farm. We may add more WAXP to the farms in time but we do not guarantee that.

Bonus Farms have been created and more to come. See more below about our pop up farms.

Edit: We've added extra wax to all farms (the old original secondary sales farm is no longer listed and is now replaced with Pop Up Farms ) and can still add more in the future. 

NOTE: The creators of WAX Wolves WILL NOT add their own NFTs to the farms, EVER.

In fact, they WILL NOT buy this project at all so there are no concerns about pumping the price or any other nonsense.

We can't prevent users from sending us WAX Wolves, so if that happens we will hold them in our wallet without listing them for sale or staking them.


This project is in all the WAX Wolves' paws and claws!


BONUS: We have created a Secondary Market Sales with More Farm Pop Up System.

Note: This helps and works with our current system as we do Pop Up X Spaces that are followed up by craft giveaways and we do more giveaways on the first of each month. You need to be holding at least 1 WAX Wolves in your wallet to be eligible. We will never do a giveaway during a Pop Up Farm Session. Just always remember to unstake when it's over.

We will add some WAX to it and also add up ALL of our secondary market sales (from our whole collection, goparelsnfts) and send it to the farm(s), not just the WAX Wolves, the whole collection. These bonus pop up farms consist of 7 days and entirely depend on if the drop is being minted and or secondary sales are taking place. We will allow at least 3 week breathers in between and hope for more mints to prepare for the next pop up farm. We give back some WAX from the drop sales on top of second-hand sales. As of now we have still yet to add secondary sales to any farm since we started this project and have been letting them build up, it doesn't add up quickly unfortunately and our market fee is only 5% (lower than the starting 6%). So we have just been taking care of it to try and give back to the WAX Wolves as we can to show are appreciation. All the WAX to date has come from us. We're trying to continue that and continue to give back. Thank you for your support. If sales and or the drop slows down we'll then create a final farm and or extend the currently active one to add rewards to and or up for your suggestions. That will be determined at a later date depending on how things go and will also take into consideration what the WAX Wolves community wants. Please keep in mind this is all a bonus idea we jumped into and we're trying to make this PFP project more fun for all. 

CURRENT Pop-Up Farm (concluded - prepare for next one) -

Directions: Scroll to the bottom of your chosen farms and click stake, come back later, and click claim, repeat process.

The end of the cycle will be completed on December 31st, 2023.


Pop Up Farms In Order

We will provide the links here when active, send a reminder in the announcements area, and one on our Twitter.

NOTE: Make sure to un-stake from the farms before the 1st of every month to be included in the drawings for merch and wolves. Up to you if you'd like to participate.

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Thanks for Visiting the WAX Wolves Wolf Den

This project is operated by Goparel