Quote from
Derek on July 9, 2023, 3:44 am
Please always be aware of the links you're clicking, look at the bottom left-hand corner when hovering for a better view.
We'll do our best to monitor things but we ask you always DYOR and ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK the address and make sure it's legit and a reputable marketplace and or website.
We can't stress enough to ALWAYS have your GUARD UP!
Please report all suspicious activity and we will investigate.
The report button is located on your right upper hand and has a triangle icon.
Stay vigilant and do enjoy yourself here.
Also to navigate quickly always click on the Start Here links to travel in that location.
Each location has separate rules so please read them also.
Thanks for visiting the WAX Wolves!
P.S. You can sign up for Gravatar and change your picture, just add your wolf image and use the email you signed up here with this website.
NOTE: This will also show up on EVERY SINGLE WordPress Website on the Internet that you've signed up with using that email. You can add multiple emails. You can also just keep the custom icon if you like.
Please always be aware of the links you're clicking, look at the bottom left-hand corner when hovering for a better view.
We'll do our best to monitor things but we ask you always DYOR and ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK the address and make sure it's legit and a reputable marketplace and or website.
We can't stress enough to ALWAYS have your GUARD UP!
Please report all suspicious activity and we will investigate.
The report button is located on your right upper hand and has a triangle icon.
Stay vigilant and do enjoy yourself here.
Also to navigate quickly always click on the Start Here links to travel in that location.
Each location has separate rules so please read them also.
Thanks for visiting the WAX Wolves!
P.S. You can sign up for Gravatar and change your picture, just add your wolf image and use the email you signed up here with this website.
NOTE: This will also show up on EVERY SINGLE WordPress Website on the Internet that you've signed up with using that email. You can add multiple emails. You can also just keep the custom icon if you like.
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